A popular Nigerian comedian "Isaac John" known as comedian oroma the owner of "Oroma comedy" was arrested by the Nigerian D.S.S in enough today being 2nd July 2020, He was accused of hate speech and insulting of a popular Nigerian comedian Lazarus who is known as breezy the owner of Exploit comedy,, Miss ujunwa Fabian who also there at enugu sport club said that Isaac John was innocent which means that the incident happened due to a little misunderstanding, Learn more at http://bigbrotheroroma.blogsppst.com WATCH MORE OROMA VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylYkarjbUDEPAnu6wMk7_A SUBSCRIBE TO WATCH MORE VIDEOS OF OROMA
OROMA COMEDY is a well know entertainment firm that deals in all kind of entertainments like, videos, musics, dance, life show, talk show, we also render services like Event coverage, film production, digital marketing etc